Five YouTube Channels To Check Out!

When I’m not crafting worlds inside this mess I call a mind, I tend to spend my time watching YouTube videos. While doing so, it’s hard to find quality content in that everflowing and evergrowing river of reaction videos and NERD RAGE!!! Thus, it’s always great to find the gems that don’t slowly turn your mind to mush.

So here, Fandible listeners, are FIVE YouTube channels that I think you might enjoy


Do you like the idea of Dwarf Fortress but don’t like the idea of playing it? Is watching Ascii figures move on a screen and reading thru tons of text not your cup of tea? May I suggest Kruggsmash who is the creator of a Dwarf Fortress focused YouTube channel. He masterfully edits the long-running games he plays into epic campaigns of grand fortress construction and harsh battles against terrible foes. Not only that, but he is also an artist. Taking the time to edit in images of the various dwarves and the foes that want to crush them under their evil heels. The channel has millions of views, but some of the views might have been purchased from the best place to buy views this year, which has led to the popularity of the channel. 


Are you a Warhammer 40k fan and want that 40k movie that will knock your socks off? Do you mind that epic 40k movie being presented in monthly 1 minute chunks? Then may I present Astartes! There is a sizable chunk of time between each episode, but it’s worth it to see a space marine squad lay into some heretical scum.

Tales Foundry

Want a channel that explores narrative and will ultimately make you a better writer? Check out Tales Foundry. The presenter provides insightful information on narrative design, the history of differing genres, and analysis of different authors styles like Lovecraft and J.K Rowling. Plus, he has a whole series on folklore I find fascinating.

John Campea

I tend not to watch movie news. I prefer to just look at twitter for any interesting bits of upcoming movie trivia and not really worry about some person’s opinion about which actor is playing what character. John Campea, however, is the exception. A charismatic dude with an obvious passion for film and television, his analysis of movie news and politics is something I not only find fun to watch but also enlightening.  

Lindsey Ellis

Speaking of movies, how many different movie or television analysis YouTube channels are out there? If your answer is too many, you are probably right! But in that tide of opinionated nerds (pot calling kettle back, I know) and click-bait headlines, there are a few gems that make me go, “huh, I didn’t think of that”. Lindsey Ellis presents an always fun analysis of Movies, TV, and fictional characters that are always a treat to watch. Check out her three-part analysis of the Hobbit films if you want your soul to die a little inside. But in a good way.

Honorable Mentions

Any computer strategy game or miniatures game YouTube channels. Because the idea of little units on a screen fighting battles of life and death pleases me.

Do you have any YouTube channels you’d recommend? Leave your answer in the comments below!

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About the Author
Jesus “Arvandus” Rodriguez is the founder and website tweaker of the Fandible podcast. When he isn't out creating imaginary worlds for his players, he also runs a youtube channel where he writes short fiction in various fictional worlds.

12 comments on “Five YouTube Channels To Check Out!

  1. Thomas says:

    I rather like the Templin Institute.

    They delve into the lore of people, places, things and factions across all fandoms. Its very interesting.

  2. AdamB says:

    Double thumbs up on the Lindsay Ellis recommendation!

    Her older stuff doesn’t really work for me, but I love her long-form analysis essays. Her in-depth Disney analysis makes me feel like my kids making me watch (for instance) Hercules 100+ times was actually time well spent.

  3. JobotBobica says:

    Every Frame a Painting. I cannot say it enough, but do yourself a favour and go to the channel, watch it from the top, then cry because it is done.

  4. Billy says:

    There are some good recommendations here! Keep them coming, folks!

  5. AdamB says:

    Okay, here’s 2 I recommend all the time:

    1) Pop Culture Detective – – He does long-form video essays about (primarily) masculinity and its (primarily harmful) portrayal in movies and TV. I’ve learned a lot watching his videos, but haven’t gone real deep into his backlog.

    2) Shut UP & Sit Down – – They are a British board gaming website. Their videos are primarily board game reviews, with the occasional Let’s Play. They also dabble in table top RPGs and wargaming. On their website, theirs also a podcast and a lot of written content. If you are into board gaming (beyond Sorry!) or want to get into board gaming, I think you’d be hard pressed to find a better resource.

  6. AdamB says:

    My two favorite YouTube recommendations:

    1) Shut Up & Sit Down – – British board gaming fun times! 90% of their videos are board game reviews. 5% are Let’s Plays of same. Other 5% is reviews and Let’s Plays of tabletop RPGs and wargaming. Awesome stuff.

    2) Pop Culture Detective – – Long-form video essays about (primarily) masculinity’s (mostly harmful) portrayal in movies and TV. I’ve learned a lot watch his stuff, but haven’t dug too deep into his backlog.

  7. CallmeIshma3l says:

    I Second the AdamB and JobotBocia, and would like to recommend Movie Bob for movie reviews ( for the man himself, though is reviews have been under a few different companies) particularly his Schlocktober Reviews (reviews of Veeeery B Horror movies: )

    And while it is not movies or Games, I have to give a shout out to Hot Ones, a Celebrity Interview show where the Host and the Guest share murder hot wings during the interview (

  8. Memnochas says:

    Jeremy Jahns movie and (some) game reviews. His way of speaking frankly about movies and not getting caught up in mob mentality makes his channel alot of fun to watch. I think Billy would find the Solo movie review he did to be very interesting in that he does a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ review with you, the viewer, choosing which of his conflicting views of the movie you would rather hear.

  9. CallmeIshma3l says:

    Big ups for the Every Frame a Painting recommendation! If you’re tired of Youtube movie reviews from white nerds in their 30’s that spend most of their time flipping a wig over pedantic bullshit, I recommend Double Toasted (, run by two long time film critics that used to run a website called Spill!, their funny and informative.

    If you want learn a lot about veeeeeeeeery B horror flicks, check out Movie Bob’s Scholocktober series ( They can be found youtube and site called the escapist.

  10. CallmeIshma3l says:

    Scholocktober by Moviebob!
    Every Frame a Painting!
    Double Toasted!

  11. AdamB says:

    My attempts to post with links keep getting eaten, so I’m going to try without them…

    My two favorite YouTube channel recommendations:

    1) Shut Up & Sit Down – British board gaming fun times! 90% of their videos are board game reviews. 5% are Let’s Plays of same. Other 5% is reviews and Let’s Plays of tabletop RPGs and wargaming. Awesome stuff.

    2) Pop Culture Detective – Long-form video essays about (primarily) masculinity’s (mostly harmful) portrayal in movies and TV. I’ve learned a lot watch his stuff, but haven’t dug too deep into his backlog.

  12. CallmeIshma3l says:

    Adam B: Same for me!

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