
The Rules of Found Footage Horror

The seat of my power, though, the place where I reign supreme is the niche of found footage horror films. I can hear some of you sneer at the mention of such a maligned genre, but bear with me. Also, you’re wrong and found footage is awesome. I estimate the number of movies I’ve consumed from this genre to be somewhere in the low thirties, so believe me when I say I’m always willing to watch something in this brand of cinema.

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Noir Light, Noir Bright

How can you play a lowlife or other morally ambiguous character and still be relatable? David goes to the dark side, exploring how even the most depraved characters can have a spark of humanity driving them.

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5 Best Summer Role Playing Games

Saturday marked the official start of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere (sorry, Australian listeners). And Fandible spent it just as we do every Saturday: role playing. Because we are nerds who shun the day star and prefer to develop a pasty palor rather than worshipping the sun. (In our defense, at least two of…

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Fiasco: With Great Power

The Justiteers, the greatest heroes of New York City, deal with inter-group strife, arrogant members, and blackmail. Oh yeah, there is also some archvillian they may have to take care of.

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